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Rooted in Health
Editorial Design, Graphic Design
In today’s society, there is a large prevalence of diets which are low in fiber, contain refined grains, animal products, are high in saturated fats and low in plant foods. Our dietary habits, especially in Western societies, have contributed greatly towards the increase in non-communicable chronic diseases. There is astounding evidence that a plant-based diet is the healthiest diet on the planet. It is best for long-term health, our environment and for the animals, yet it is not widely adopted.
How might we educate people ages 20-25 about the long-term health benefits of integrating a plant-based diet?

The primary research methods I used were surveys and interviews with individuals in the age group 20-25. I asked them to define the term “plant-based” and asked their thoughts on the lifestyle and what their opinions were. The secondary research methods I used were books, documentaries and case studies. Based on survey results 63% of people ages 20-25 defined “plant-based” as a diet consisting of minimal animal products and processed food. When asked the reasons for not switching to a plant-based diet 50% said they wouldn't know where to begin, 34% said it’s too expensive, and 16% said it's time-consuming. When asked what would make going plant-based easier 33% said quick recipes, 30% said more education about the benefits and how to start, 20% said guidance on what to buy at grocery stores, and 17% said more options at restaurants. Additionally, all commented that resources on how to start would be helpful.

My extensive research led me to create a guidebook for how to start a plant-based diet with information about common misconceptions, considerations before beginning, a grocery shopping list, a guide to batch cooking, and tips on eating out. This solution was beneficial to my target audience as it would address people’s concern with time, education and money.

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